Know your Numbers
“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”
Do you know…
- your gross profit
- your break even point
- your net profit
- days it takes for your customers to pay
- average monthly sales
- what percentage of sales goes to paying wages
- what your bank balance might look like in 8 weeks or even 6 months
- your growth over the last three years
- if your business has working capital to cover its current liabilities
At AIM, we can provide you with all the above information and more… and to do so we have partnered with Fathom, so that you get the most effective and up-to-date reporting for your business.
Best of all, you will be able to log in at any time, from any device and see how your business is tracking to your KPI’s.
Click here to learn more about Fathom
Gain control of where your business is heading.
Management Reporting will help you understand the financial health of your business, which will ultimately give you peace of mind when making financial decisions.
Cash is one of the most important parts of business. We will help you manage your cash by providing you with advanced management reporting which includes budgets and cashflow projections.
We will also teach you what the numbers means so you wont always have to rely on us. This will allow your business to operate more efficiently, meet its current objectives and most importantly, so that you can make confident financial decisions for the future.

Management Reporting
What We Do?
Management Reporting is the most vital part of what we do.
Providing you with accurate, up-to-date and instant reporting means that you can see how your business is performing at all times, allowing you to make important business and financial decisions with confidence.
- We will provide you with a monthly or quarterly Management Reports which will focus on key business drivers to give you a snapshot of where your business is.
- We will also explain to you what the figures, percentages, ratios and graphs mean.
- We can report on each division of your business as well as the overall performance of the business as a whole.
- If you require additional information than what our reports provide or you require reporting on a weekly basis, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements in greater detail.
- You will be able to log in at any time, from any device and see how your business is tracking to your KPI’s.

Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is the most vital part of your business but often gets overlooked.
Some bookkeepers and business owners believe that the Profit and Loss statement is the most important report in regards to business….Wrong! The Balance Sheet gives a snapshot of what a company owns and owes at that point in time. It represents the business’ total worth.
So many errors can be hidden in the Balance Sheet and if your bookkeeper is inexperienced, they could possibly cost you money in the long run. Therefore, it is vital that the Balance Sheet is always correct and validated by supporting documentation such as bank statements, account receivable and payable reports, ATO statement etc.
If your Balance Sheet is not correct, than your Profit and Loss isn’t showing its true figures….. and how can you run a successful business if your figures are incorrect?

A Cash Flow Forecast
Cashflow planning is best practice in any business and critical to survival and growth. Setting cashflow targets and regularly monitoring your actual cashflow against your forecast will enable you to predict large cash outflows and respond to changes in your business.
At AIM Accountants we recommend reviewing your cash flow on a regular basis. For some of our clients this is done weekly. We can help you by
- Discuss and finalise the Cashflow Forecast
- Identify your current Cash Conversion Cycle
- Identify the likely causes of cashflow problems within your business
- Set 12 month and 90 day cashflow improvement goals and actions

A Budget
Once your business is operational, it’s essential to plan and tightly manage its financial performance. Creating a budget is the most effective way to keep your business, and its finances – on track.
A budget is a plan to:
- control your finances effectively
- ensure you can continue to fund your current commitments
- enable you to make confident financial decisions and meet your objectives
- ensure you have enough money for your future projects
If you need help or advice in preparing your businesses budget, please contact us.

Some Key Performance Indicators
Break Even Point
This refers to the level of sales required to fully cover general business overhead, and it is the point where you start to move into profit. Depending on your business, you might break this down to a monthly, weekly or daily breakeven point. It is not as simple as it might seem, since some costs vary with sales volume, whereas others are fixed.
At AIM Accountants we can calculate your Break Even Point and even show you how to calculate it yourself so you are never left not knowing. We will be able to analyse your cost structure and let you know the level of sales required to break even. Depending on your business, if your average transaction value is predictable, you will even be able to break this down further into units required to be sold. If you don’t know these numbers, be sure to contact us.
Gross Profit %
Gross profit is the amount the business is making in actual profit from the sale of a product or service after subtracting the cost of the service hours or materials to create the product or service in the first place.
A Gross Profit of 42% means that for every $100 of product / services the business sells, the business made a gross profit of $42.00 taking into consideration the cost of producing / purchasing the product / service.
A Gross Profit % is a great benchmark indicator and depending on your industry you can compare your GP% to your industries average. The ATO has a great website for Small Business Benchmarks which can be found by clicking here
You can then use Expenses % to revenue (expenses / total revenue * 100) to help you breakdown and understand your figures even more so you can see what your business makes from each $ of revenue raised.
Using % based formulas allow your figures to be easily analysed and they flags when deeper investigation needs to occur. See how using % can make analysing figures easier.
For more Key Performance Indicators and Information on Financial Management. Please contact us today.