Ready to take your Tax Accounting website to the next level so that you can start competing with other online tax platform providers?

This form really does make collecting individual information easy.

This form works on any WordPress website with a WordPress plugin.

(Instructions will be provided upon completion of payment)

Wouldn’t it be great if you had all your clients tax return information in front of you on a PDF when compiling their tax return or when reviewing your junior accountants work?

Just think about it, rather than having to sit with your client and ask them personal questions relating to their tax return, instead you could direct them straight to your website.

Once a tax client completes their details and presses submit, it sends a copy to your email address (excluding tax file number of course) and then you can also download a pdf and any uploaded client documents directly from your WordPress server.

Form Pros:

  • Easy to install
  • Easy to customize to fit your business
  • with new identity requirements, this is a great way to get a copy of Drivers Licenses etc.
  • no third parties involved – WordPress can also be hosted on your own servers / an Australian web hosting provider, so you will always know what country your website is hosted in.

Form Cons:

  • need to purchase an annual subscription to a WordPress plugin (currently $99 per year)
  • may need a web designer to help you / format fonts depending on your WordPress theme setting
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